Zero Knowledge on Meditation? Read This!

There are various ways to meditate, from simple ones to those that require specific techniques and considerable practice. And understanding what meditation is, why it’s so rewarding, and how it can help us are subjects we need to understand well. That’s precisely what we hope to achieve here. So, hang on.


Despite all the modern-day conveniences we have in our homes and workplace, stress is still very much a part of our life. So, it stands to reason that we find ways to lessen it, and counteract its adverse effects on our health, both physically and mentally. There are devices and gadgets to help reduce stress and its harmful effects, which are good. But we don’t know if they are truly effective. 

We tend to seek remedies that may somewhat be complicated, expensive, and sophisticated, though sometimes the simplest one is the best, and works exceedingly well. 


Meditation is precisely that. You don’t need any device or equipment, elixirs, or doodahs to do it. Some practice, maybe, but it won’t take long before you get it right.  

Now, let’s get started and learn these easy-to-follow steps for the newbies! 

To practice meditation, you need space or a room in the house that’s relatively quiet, comfortable, and with good ventilation. Of course, you have to dedicate time to it each day, just a few minutes, like 5 or 10 minutes. Later on, as you get familiar and comfortable with it, you can increase the amount of time. It would be nice to have a fixed time to do it daily to make it a habit. It could be in the morning before heading out to office or doing other tasks. It may also be sometime in the evening after school or work when you can spend the night doing something relaxing, or enjoy the rest of the day.  


If possible, it would be good to appoint a place exclusively for your daily or regular meditation practice. By so doing, you develop a special familiarity and affinity to that spot. In time, reaching that state of meditation would be easier and faster. Consider enhancing the space with scented meditation candles, incense, religious objects, and even flowers to create a meditative and solemn ambiance. 

While meditating, you have to be in a comfortable sitting position. A supine or lying position is not possible as the tendency of falling asleep is high. You can either sit on a comfortable chair or on the floor. 


Close your eyes as you meditate. Alternatively, you can focus on an object placed in front of you or repeatedly whisper a word, like a mantra. The purpose of doing that is to prevent your mind from getting distracted and wandering away from meditation. 

Maintain breathing gently, slowly, and deeply. It should be comfortable and not forceful.

By the way, this meditation type or technique is the simplest, most basic one. It is called the ‘Concentration Meditation’ which is the foundation of all other higher types, such as Mindfulness Meditation, Tai-chi, and Transcendental Meditation. That means by doing it from hereon, it would be easy to level up to any of the more advanced meditation techniques.


Right now, you may just be getting started on meditation, but once you feel its positive effects and incredible benefits, you would surely decide to pursue it further. You would also resolve to do it for the rest of your life because meditation plays a pivotal role in prolonging our lifespan. Regular meditation strengthens the DNA and the chromosomes in the body, preventing the onset of age-related diseases. It functions like an anti-oxidant that promotes longevity.   

Let’s end with that exciting information to keep you motivated to continue meditation. For now, have a meaningful and safe World Health Day celebration!



What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and health 

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