Why Tibetan Dzi Beads Are So Special
Dzi origins and legends
The origin of these significant beads is thought to have come from a highly mythical background. There are various alternative versions of the story enjoy the threesome below!
The first story tells about Guru Padmasambhawa who once cast a tantric curse on some stones which transformed into Dzi beads and were thrown into different places all over Tibet.

The second tale relates the Dzi beads' origin of insects. Many insects roamed around the riverbanks of Tibet and when people would run into these insects, a negative aura would consume them and transform them into Dzi Beads. If you look closely at the Dzi beads, you will notice what looks like a blood vein which adds to the plausibility around its mythical origins!
Lastly, the third legend claims that the Dzi beads were treasures of the sea brought up by serpents. Many tend to believe this because Dzi beads are part of the agate family. Many agate pieces have been created through rock formations found nearby or in rivers all over the world.
Courtesy: https://garudashop.com/collections/new-dzi-new-agates
All about Dzi bead eyes

The Dzi beads have what many perceive to be several sets of eyes which can be a quantity of three, six, nine, twelve, eighteen, and so on. The higher the number of eyes, the more that they can increase in value.
Interesting facts about Dzi beads
Like Tibetan Turquoise and Coral, the Dzi bead changes colours based on the wearer’s state of health. It is known as the treasure of the spirits since it holds so much spiritual value. These beads can also be incorporated into a Mala.

If you look at Tibetan Buddhist shrines, you will find them adorned with many beautiful beads and jewels. But if you look closely, you will notice the Dzi beads are adorned all over the Tibetan statues along with other traditional pieces like Mandalas, Coral and Turquoise.
The beads are also used to create beautiful pieces such as rings or necklaces. Notably, if you visit the Jokhang temple, the holiest shrine of Jowo Shakya Muni (Buddha of Compassion), you will discover that there is an Eighteen-eye Dzi bead there.

Rarity of genuine Dzi bead
It is extremely difficult to find authentic original Dzi beads these days, and there must be exhaustive scrutiny done to determine authenticity. Many experts will look into its authenticity and track down the lineage of the beads.

Most authentic Dzi beads may have been passed down from generation to generation. Not only that but the experts will be able to identify a Dzi bead’s authenticity by the bead’s colour and clarity. By visual comparison alone, it would not be difficult to detect the difference between a genuine Dzi bead and a man-made or reproduction Dzi bead.
Let’s end with a thought about rarity …
Now it’s time to tell you something incredibly amazing about these beads! Find one and it’s like winning the lottery. Why is that?
Authentic and unique Dzi beads are worth tons and tons of money. Some can fetch even £30,000 upwards due to their rarity, cultural heritage, and importance. Isn’t that astonishing? We doubt you have ever come across a bead as pricey as this one. But if you ever do, treasure it and keep it close!
Further Readings on tibetan beads
1. Who says fashion and protection can't go together? Read this - The Mala!
2. The ultimate introductory guide to Tibetan's noteworthy beads